About Us



Kevin Shin

Kevin Shin (@kevin_shinobi) is a condo geek, real estate investor & enthusiast. His fascination with modern architecture, contemporary interiors, concrete jungles, software design and hacking lead him to create Suitebase. Suitebase was a pet project aimed to unify the fragmented space of urban residential building specifications, floorplans and photographs. Kevin has over 15 years of experience building software technologies evolving from low-level assembly, full-stack web, to the current era of pretty lil interfaces.

In his spare time, Kevin builds web and mobile anything, designs and fabricates custom furniture, and enjoys playing with Lego blocks and paperclips.


Allan Shin

Allan Shin (@AllnShn) is a design fanatic, coding enthusiast, and builder of pretty things. His artistic interests started at a young age and bloomed a bit more while enrolled in engineering school, where he developed a passion for combining technology with aesthetic usability. As an urban wannabe, real-estate investing became one of his hobbies, but when the technology didn't support the hunt, Suitebase was born. Allan has over 15 years of experience in software development, user-interface design, and gadget tinkering.